Highlights from Winter Conference

    •    25 students put their faith in Christ on the first night.
    •    During the Day of Faith,100,000+ meals were boxed in five hours to distribute to those in need in SoCal through the organization, “Feeding Children Everywhere”.
    •    During the Day of Faith, students shared Cru’s “Falling Plates” evangelistic video with their friends online, having 5,000 more hits during the conference. Check out the video on youtube.
    •    The special offering to help those in need, as well as to launch and build movements in CA, AZ and HI, came to $30,000 from students’ own pockets!
    •    The final speaker challenged students to live a life of surrender by signing a pledge to go, give, say or do whatever the Lord wants in their lives. 463 students signed this pledge.
    •    Holly gave a “TED” talk on how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and then led a seminar on evangelism.
    •    Here are some of the pictures that Matt took from the conference. Click here
    •    Matt filmed and edited videos, as well as took pictures, throughout the week. This video (below) was for each students personal reflection time after one of the main speakers.

     Thank you so much for your prayers and support! They are making a difference in students lives!

Matt, Holly & Carter Melton