Over 130 Students in AZ Come to Christ

Over 130 Students in AZ Come to Christ

     Throughout Arizona, Cru hosted an evangelistic event from the author of “God’s Not Dead,” Rice Broocks. He defended how we can believe God exists by looking at the universe. Auditoriums were filled, and over 130 students came to Christ. Churches and campus groups are now following up on these students. 

     At Northern Arizona University, 31 students put their faith in Christ. Grand Canyon University (a Christian school) saw 61 decisions for Christ! At Arizona State University, one of the largest party schools in America, over 40 students indicated decisions for Christ. Here are stories of students who decided to follow Jesus:

     Jay decided to come to the God’s Not Dead event and was completely rocked by the presentation and the gospel message at the end. He was crying during the last prayer and shared that for the first time, it became clear to him what the gospel was and what his next step was: to have a relationship with Jesus. When asked about connecting more about faith, he said, "Anytime, anywhere, anyway, I need to hear it.” 

    Jorja said that she wanted to give her life to Jesus because she realized that she’d never be perfect, but that Jesus was perfect. Praise God! 

     Vinny plays baseball at a nearby community college, and he brought six of his teammates and his brother to God's Not Dead.  Vinny led three of his teammates, Brendan, Brandon, and Reed, to Christ, and they are now in a weekly bible study with other athletes. 

     This event will be at San Diego State University on March 12 and at The University of Arizona on March 13. Please pray for more lives to be changed! We are excited that students want to know if God exists and how to know Him. 

     Please continue to pray for Holly as she is developing another evangelistic event, “Soul Quest,” that will engage Gen-Z with their worldview and a biblical worldview. She has also finished writing a Gen-Z seekers curriculum to accompany season one of The Chosen. It will be piloted at 20 campus locations this spring and fully launched in the fall. Holly aims to write and edit the curriculum for seasons 2-4 by the end of the summer. Please continue to pray for these endeavors.