Phoenix Valley Fall Retreat

Phoenix Valley Fall Retreat

  Gathering students from Arizona State University and Huntington University over a weekend to talk about how we are called to freedom was a highlight of the semester so far. Holly was the speaker and she taught on how we are called to freedom from our sin, called to freedom to free others, and called to freedom through surrender. Many students walked up front the last night to put in a jar a piece of paper with what they wanted to surrender. One young man came up to Holly afterward and said, “Can I have a hug?” She didn’t even know him. He said with tears streaming down his face, “I have wanted to surrender something for a very long time, and I just couldn’t until tonight. Thank you for talking about surrender.” 

Spiritual Conversations on a Whiteboard

     At HU, we have a whiteboard in the hallway with the question, “If you could ask God one question, what would it be?” Some of the questions students asked were, “Are all the struggles worth it?” “Why do bad things have to happen so much?” “Why do I have to live?” “Are you real?” “Why did you create me like I am?” As the Christian students read these questions, their hearts started to break for their classmates. They are now learning how to share their faith and engage more personally with their friends. One girl, Holly disciples, said, “I want to reach Alex. Alex is non-binary. I have no clue how I will talk with them, but I’m going to try.” Please pray for our students, as most of them are learning to share their faith for the very first time. 


      Briella had her 3rd spiritual birthday this past month. Check it out below. She also shared Jesus with her best friend at school during lunchtime and her friend prayed to invite Jesus into her life. They are so excited that they are now “sisters” in Christ! 

    Carter has intentionally befriended the bully in his class. This boy pulled the chair out from under Carter and Carter forgave him. He said to me, “Can I have a playdate with him? Then you can share Jesus with his mom and then his mom can share Jesus with him. If he has Jesus, I know he will change!” So, we plan to go on a playdate soon and get to know this family!